Empowering Women to reclaim their health through the power of functional Nutrition.

Functional Nutrition

Nourishing Rhythms

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Trust me, you are not alone. And it is possible to feel amazing. Let's get to the roots so you can reclaim your health.

Trying to show up for your people, excel at work, raise your little one, all while surviving through unbearable, distracting symptoms?

At Nourishing Rhythms, my focus is on why symptoms are occurring. From chronic digestive issues, hormone imbalance, period problems, brain fog and fatigue, we'll follow an individualized roadmap to uncover what's driving your symptoms and know exactly how to bring restoration and balance back to your body so you can thrive!

As a licensed Functional Medicine Practitioner & Clinical Nutritionist, I'm passionate about helping women identify the root causes to their health challenges and take charge of their health.

meet your Nutritionist

Hi! I'm Jessica


"Jessica was the first professional to actually listen to me when I said something was wrong."

Before working with Jessica, there were many days I could not get out of bed, I was on a leave from work, and I rarely left the house or went to social events (for months). I was so sick that I was lucky to eat a few bites of food a day. My body was also covered in rashes. I have not had a day where I have been stuck in bed for 3 months now, I am working full time again, I am able to have a social life and enjoy life again, I’m eating normally, and my skin is mostly clear. Jessica has not only helped me physically, she has helped me mentally and emotionally as well. Knowing I have her in my corner has been a life saver and I only wish I would have contacted her sooner. "


"Working with Jessica has been one of the best decisions I have made."

After years of fighting with doctors to find cause for numerous gut and reproductive issues, Jess was able to help get answers after a few very simple tests. The changes in not only my health but my husband and daughter have been drastic! I no longer suffer from chronic inflammation, was able to identify dietary triggers, and reproductive pain pain. I can wear clothes comfortably, regulated my menstrual cycle, reduced additional PMS pain, sleep better, and have more energy. Within 30 days I could already see improvement that I hadn't after 5 years of doctors' visits.


"Working with Jessica to fix my gut health is the best decision I could have made. Money well spent."

I was told I had colitis by a gastroenterologist after a colonoscopy. I felt miserable and unable to participate in normal day to day life activities. I now feel totally normal and have no symptoms!"


"If you truly want one on one help, Jessica is exactly that."

She has a wealth of knowledge, is very kind and has a genuine desire to help you with your issues. She has helped me more in 2 months than a variety of doctors in 3 years. My goal was to go with a natural approach and it has worked. So grateful for Jessica!"

what they're saying

You've tried it all. Gluten and dairy free diets, probiotics, more fiber, less sugar, antibiotics, endless internet searches, and still feel sick.

Can you relate?

Gas, bloating, indigestion, nausea, cramping - no matter what you eat it's unpredictable and unavoidable.

You just feel inflamed, unwell, and don't know what the next best step is for you.

Your energy is an up and down rollercoaster.  

Brain fog makes it hard to focus and engage in your life.

Irregular periods, painful cramps, skin issues, mood swings, energy crashes and the only answer you've been given is the pill.

book a free consult

In order to reach balance, we need to remove what doesn't serve us and rebalance by providing our bodies with what they are created for: true nourishment, a healthy environment, community, and purpose. We'll work together to create a plan that allows you to be truly nourished in mind, body, and spirit. 

I'll help you learn how to create health in your every day habits & rhythms

Let's get started!

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