Let's work together

My Services

This is for you if you need more general guidance on your journey, have questions about eating in a way that promotes health, or would like recommendations on healthy living such as lowering your toxic burden, improving digestion, or even product recommendations.

Nutrition Consultations are available to help answer your health and nutrition-related questions, provide you with a one-time personalized Wellness Plan, and to offer general, health-promoting recommendations you can apply right away.

investment of $199

60 minute Consultation

If you want to address the root cause of your symptoms using a holistic, real-food approach to healing and you’re ready to invest the time and effort to resolve these symptoms, this is for you! We'll work together on your health transformation so you can feel amazing, for good. Let's get started!


Getting to the roots of your symptoms and creating long-term health takes time. In this comprehensive program, we'll take a deep dive into your health history, current health conditions or concerns, and work together toward resolution of your symptoms.

Life Well Nourished:
6 month program

investment of $350/month 

"It is so mentally draining to see provider after provider, and be brushed off, or to feel unheard/not believed. Jessica advocated for me from the beginning and trusted that there was something wrong. The security and mental support that brings when you’re going through a medical crisis and have debilitating symptoms is truly unmatched. Another thing I really appreciate is being able to reach out to her with questions on products and food sources for overall health. She is so knowledgeable and I love having someone to bounce ideas off of! I also really could not be more grateful for how much better I feel."

What Other's have said

You've tried everything without success and need individualized guidance.

My programs are for you if...

My programs are not for you if...

You're not ready for the necessary nutrition and lifestyle changes 

You lack the commitment required to implement health-creating habits day-to-day. 

You want a quick-fix, band-aid solution to your health challenges.

You’re ready to have a healthier, nourishing relationship with food and with your body. 

You’re looking for highly personalized attention for your unique nutritional needs, lab values, supplements, and more. 

Get Started

It's time to take a deep-dive into your health so you can feel your best.

Let's get started!

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